We do not receive any statutory funding and yet 13 million women in the UK cannot wait for the Government to decide when women get MENOPAUSE support. This is why I am hopeful for further donations to come through on the Go Fund Me fundraiser.  This  number of 13 million may not include those who were born female but who now identify as male or indeed those who have had a re-assigned gender and hormone therapy.  


I am a sister, aunty, mother, grandmother and a parenting consultant, I am the founder of MAMM (all about menopause) and I am the host of The Kitchen Table, launched on Saturday 10th July 2021 thanks to The Ubele Initiative - The Kitchen Table is a place for those who have experienced loss to come together to be heard or to listen as we each navigate our way through the complexities of grief. I also founded MAMA - a safe space for men to talk about and gain some understanding of the menopause journey. If you haven't realised yet - menopause is not a destination. Change is coming and those changes affect men too.

WOMEN of the UK

Are you one of 13 million women struggling, suffering with the uncertainty or distress of menopausal symptoms? We have been working hard to establish a Personal Menopause Plan - tools to support you with your health provider and in the work place. Email for an update and to register for yours.

Your menopausal journey isn't waiting for Government support- so why should you?

If you would like to donate please see
 GoFundMe- Maureen Anderson or contact me directly.

In 2023 I'm taking the menopause conversation to your city, starting in Manchester. Then I'll be visiting Huddersfield/Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham and London. Watch out, look out or make contact. If you would like a visit please contact me at: